Automatic line for hard biscuit was put into operation in the south of Ukraine

Automatic line for hard biscuit was put into operation in the south of Ukraine

UTF-GROUP has designed, manufactured and successfully launched an automatic line for hard biscuit production with width of hearth oven 800 mm.

The project provides production of wide range of hard biscuit according to classic technology with capacity 220-300 kg/h and includes an automatic forming line with a horizontal laminator, an electric tunnel oven with width of hearth 800 mm and a conveyor cooling system.

The line operates fully automatically and is serviced by one operator.

Automatic line for hard biscuit was put into operation in the south of Ukraine

An automatic dough batcher provides dough reception and its convenient lifting into hopper of extruder in the form of dough ribbon. This structure allowed achieving continuous feeding of the dough and uniform filling of the hopper.

A horizontal laminator was used in the line with the technology of rolling – “resting” of dough ribbon (after each stage of rolling dough “rests” on a conveyor belt for some time). This allows getting a more elastic structure of dough, what improves the quality of finished product.

The forming of the layered structure of dough is performed by transverse laying of the dough ribbon as an “envelope” on the intermediate conveyor. The increase in the number of dough layers to 12-16 is provided by feeding dough ribbon in two streams, which are laid on each other on the laminator before rolling.

The rotor of forming machine cuts dough pieces of a given size and shape out of ribbon. It also forms imprint of the picture, and the pins installed on it pierce the dough pieces, providing an outlet for the gases generated during baking, thereby preventing the formation of bubbles.

The system of pneumatic clamping of dough ribbon to the rotor with adjustable clamping force ensures stable quality of the formed dough pieces.

For baking finished products an electric tunnel oven with a baking chamber length of 23 meters and a hearth width of 800 mm was used. The oven has three temperature zones with temperature control of the upper and lower heating elements.

The conveyor cooling system was developed based on the layout of the room and includes inclined offtake and seven-level cooling conveyors with teflon conveyor nets and cooling fans with a total length of 42 meters.